06 Aug Introducing Ver té
Ver té puts the focus on true teas and tea as a way of living mindfully. Our philosophy is clean mind, clean body. Clean body starts with premium single-leaf teas— pure whole-leaves from the Camellia Sinesis tea plant, with no added flavoring. Great quality tea requires careful attention to the leaf as the reservoir of flavor and #health. They are often #single origin, embodying the specific taste of their unique #terroir.
Working with small-scale tea farmers, our teas are carefully curated for health, taste and history. We individually package our teas to take the guess-work out of tea portioning as different teas have different serving portions. #verte
But our teas are not just about a beverage, it is first about a clean mind. Teas are nature’s gift to us, they require the careful balance of the elements with centuries of human craftsmanship. A good tea tells a story, we ask you pause to listen to the poetry of that tale. Whether you take ten minutes or one hour, through the process of sharing a moment with tea, let it clean our minds as well as our bodies connecting us more fully with the natural world and our place in it. #cleanmind #cleanbody